Alvars's first voyage to Constantinople and the Eastern Mediterranean
took place in 1832, and although the Marche Favorite
du Sultan (op.30)
was published as early as 1836, seven more years went by before
publication was begun on the famous collection Voyage
d'un Harpiste en Orient (op.62). Ten more passed before it
was completed. Souvenir
du Bosphore is the first of the set.The cover bore the following text:
Receuil d'Airs et de Mélodies populaire en Turquie et en
Asie Mineure, confié à l'Instrument de la Poésie,
La Harpe, et dédiés à Madame la Princesse
Morousi de Constantinople par E. Parish Alvars, dont toutes ces
melodies ont été exécutées devant le
Sultan et dans les soirées de l'Ambassadeur de Russie le
Comte de Boutinoff à Bujukdéré
[Collection of Airs and Melodies popular in Turkey and Asia Minor
entrusted to The Harp, the Instrument of Poetry, and dedicated
to the Princess Morousi of Constantinople by E Parish Alvars, all
of which have been performed before the Sultan and at the soirées
hosted by the Russian Ambassador, Count Boutinoff, at Bujukdéré] |